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 [NEWS] Proline Racing Chassis Saver pour slash

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Admin Tom Sawyer!
Admin Tom Sawyer!

Messages : 668
Date d'inscription : 10/01/2010
Age : 37
Localisation : Laval Canada et tarbais et fier de l'etre

[NEWS] Proline Racing Chassis Saver pour slash Empty
MessageSujet: [NEWS] Proline Racing Chassis Saver pour slash   [NEWS] Proline Racing Chassis Saver pour slash Icon_minitimeMer 3 Fév 2010 - 20:02

hello a tous

une petit news pour le slash
cette pièce renforce l'AR du châssis et évite sa casse

clic sur l'image pour aller sur le site
[NEWS] Proline Racing Chassis Saver pour slash 6062-08

[NEWS] Proline Racing Chassis Saver pour slash 779

Pro-Line's Chassis Saver is now available for the Traxxas®️ Slash®️ Enthusiasts. Never again will you have to worry about a broken chassis ruining you race or play day.

During track testing of the ever popular ProTrac™️ kit for Slash®️, it became clear to the Pro-Line development team that the the short course truck's chassis had a weakness resulting in numerous broken chassis and shortened track sessions. To resolve the issue, the Pro-Line team machined up a hand full of "chassis savers" that would strengthen the rear shock tower mounting ears and commenced with testing. Now these components are being made available so that you to can enjoy a bulletproof Slash®️.


* Makes breaking the rear shock tower mounting ears off your chassis virtually impossible.
* CNC Machined from 7075 Aircraft Aluminum
* Hard Anodized Black Finish
* Simple installation

What’s Included:

* Chassis Saver Plate (1 pc)
* Mounting Hardware (8 pcs)

6062-08 | Chassis Saver
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[NEWS] Proline Racing Chassis Saver pour slash
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